Distance Learning | Williston State College

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Distance Learning

Welcome to 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 Online!

冰球突破豪华版游戏下载目前提供4个全在线课程以及各种在线通识教育课程. 在线课程遵循与校园课程相同的学期时间表. 
Is Online Education Right for Me?
Online learning is not the same as on-campus learning. 如果你对在线学习感兴趣,问自己以下问题,看看在线学习是否适合你.
  1. Are you tech-savvy? 你能自如地使用各种电子媒体和技术吗?
  2. 你有高质量的电脑和可靠的网络连接吗?
  3. Do you have good time management and organizational skills? Online classes have due dates, 通常是每周一次,这样你就必须有条理地做好工作. Procrastinators are not successful in online courses.
  4. Do you have strong reading skills? 在线教育需要更多的阅读和对细节的关注,因为没有现场教师来重申学习的方向和材料.
  5. Do you have time set aside each week for classes? 因为你不是参加“现场”课程,所以你需要每周留出时间来学习课程材料并完成作业.
Taking Online Courses with 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 for the first time?

点击下面的黑板上 101链接查看我们的在线培训课程.  This will help you prepare to take your classes online.

Getting Started
  1. 在上课第一天之前,您不会在黑板上上看到您注册的课程. 
  2. 从在Campus Connection注册到创建冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 黑板上帐户可能需要24-48小时, 在第一天上课后添加或删除的课程最多可在24小时内在黑板上上更新.  
  3. DO NOT USE Microsoft Internet Explorer. It is NO Longer supported for use with 黑板上. Please use Chrome or Firefox.
  4. 如果您从未通过冰球突破豪华版游戏下载参加过在线课程,请查看下面的黑板上 101培训课程,为您的在线体验做好准备.


New User/First Time Login
  • Your Username and Password are the same as your Campus Connection username and password.
  • Please make sure you are using the correct login credentials.
  • Access 黑板上.
Using correct information but still having problems?
  • Login credentials are case sensitive.
  • Cookies must be enabled for you to log in successfully.
  • Contact Campus Support at 701.774.4590


Technology Requirements


Operating Systems

  • Microsoft Windows 8, 10
  • Mac OS X
  • Chrome Books or tablets are not recommended

Recommended Internet Browsers


  • Some classes may require a webcam/microphone


  • Microsoft Office 2016 or Office 365
  • (Students can download Office 365 from their student email)

Proctored Exams

一些在线课程要求学生由认可的监考人员或监考服务机构监考. 这将在校园连接的课堂笔记部分中注明,并且可以由潜在的学生在注册课程之前查看. This will also be stated in the course syllabus. 的 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 Learning Commons proctors for 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 online students at no cost by appointment. 

其他外部监考人员,包括ProctorU可能会收取监考费用,这些费用可能会有所不同. 与监考有关的任何费用由学生负责.

State Authorization

冰球突破豪华版游戏下载在线课程感兴趣的北达科他州以外的学生州和联邦法律要求学院和大学被授权在他们自己以外的州提供在线学位课程. 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载是国家授权互惠协议(SARA)国家委员会的成员。.

All states in green fall under this agreement. 如果您对此页面上的任何内容有疑问,请联系wsc的扩展学习.extendedlearning@techgyaani.com

Map of authorize states.  All colored green except Califormia.

Online Student Complaint Process
当对在线教师或系主任的担忧没有得到非正式解决时, a student may make a formal complaint. A formal complaint must be presented in writing, on the Complaint Resolution Form, to the Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee. 书面投诉必须在发起投诉的行动或事件发生后的15个日历天内提交,除非主管学术事务的副校长或指定人员同意在此时间范围内收到书面投诉. 看到 Student Code of Conduct for complete details.

如果投诉不能在学院层面得到解决, 所有学生都可以联系北达科他州大学系统(NDUS),该系统由州高等教育委员会管理. NDUS也是北达科他州的州授权互惠协议(SARA)门户机构.
SARA Portal Agency

Claire Gunwall
Director of Academic Affairs
600 E Boulevard Ave, Dept 215
Bismarck, ND 58505-0230

Credit for Prior Learning

先前的学习被指定为传统的非居民学分. Some examples are certification such as First Aid CPR, Military Training, Industrial Certifications etc. 

For additional information please see Credit for Prior Learning.

Online 项目
在线学习是一种利用互联网传送课程内容并与教师交流的学习方法. 在线课程通常在学习管理系统(LMS)中教授,并采用各种基于互联网的技术.

冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 has selected 黑板上 as its LMS. 黑板上 offers many tools for use in the virtual classroom. 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 also has other web-based technologies available to students and instructors including; web conferencing with 黑板上 Collaborate, instant messaging with 黑板上 IM, video capture with YuJa, and many more technologies that are readily available. 这使得冰球突破豪华版游戏下载可以为学生提供各种副学士水平的在线课程.

冰球突破豪华版游戏下载目前在线提供以下证书,AAS和AA/AS计划. 有关每个节目的更多信息,请点击下面的节目链接.
Support and Resources
冰球突破豪华版游戏下载为在线学生提供各种资源和支持服务. 请使用以下链接访问其中一些服务.

如果你以前从未参加过冰球突破豪华版游戏下载的在线课程,请查看这个有用的课程. 黑板上 101 Course

Online and IVN Support

对于在线课程支持,请使用以下联系方式寻求帮助. 如果问题与课程内容或作业有关,请联系您的导师.

To access and create an eportfolio follow the directions below.

Eportfolio Directions


Extended Learning

Stevens Hall, Learning Commons

Dr. Malini Bhargava | Instructional Technologist
Stevens Hall, 200D
p. 701.774.4590

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